General Medicine (HA)
Proficiency Certificate Level in General Medicine(Health Assistant) Program is three years academic course affiliated to CTEVT which aims to provide mid-level health professionals who can assist the rural community in health care. General Medicine Graduate having established career goals and refined clinical competency can seek further education which will strengthen their professional image to challenge their scholastic abilities and prepare them for undergrad school if desired.
Duration of the Course : 3 Years
Affiliated to : Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Qualification : SEE passed with minimum “C” grade in compulsory Math, Science & English with GPA 2, or SLC graduates with pass division including must passed the entrance examination taken by CTEVT.
Medium of Instruction : English + Nepali
Total intake per Academic Year : 40 Students
Total average cost per year : NRs. ……..
Objectives of the Program
The objective of the General Medicine (HA) program is to produce competent and advanced knowledge and practical skills at mid-level health workersnecessary to deliver high-quality health services needed for the country. Specifically, the program entails the following objectives:
- Demonstrate competency in identifying and resolving community health problems.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and clinicalskills necessary to diagnose and manage primary health problems of patients.
- Exhibit leadership skills and professional characteristics and attitude required in the role of Health Post Manager.
- Demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to work in a variety of health care settings.
- To pursue further academic careers in Bachelor Degree (MBBS, BPH)
Admission Criteria:
- SLC passed with compulsory English, Math &Science or TSLC in Lab Technology
- Must pass the entrance examination conducted by CTEVT
- Physically and mentally fit(Medical fitness certificate at the time of admission)
The requirement for Admission:
- Duly filled Admission Form
- Photocopy of Mark-Sheets and Character Certificate of SLC or TSLC
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate
- Six copies of PP size Photographs
Scope of General Medicine:
After completion of the course, individuals will become an eligible candidate for registration in the Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) in grade “B” that permits them to work in any hospitals, nursing homes, and health institutions of government and the non-government sectoras a mid-level health worker. The main scope and working area of health assistants(HA) are:
- Central Hospitals and Polyclinics
- Teaching Hospitals
- District Hospitals
- Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC)
- Health Posts (HP)
- Health Institutions
Course overview of HA:
The first year focuses on general basic science while the second and third year is purely applied science. There are field exposuresto hospitals, health centers, clinics, and communitysettings for the practicals.